Maresafenet - Network of experts on the legal aspects of
maritime safety and security & Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
on Migrants’ Rights in the Mediterranean

Migration in the Mediterranean Sea: A Comprehensive Approach

On 1st November 2014 the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (Frontex) launched the Triton Operation in the Mediterranean. Unlike Italy’s naval operation Mare Nostrum, Triton primarily has a border management mandate. The preceding border control operations in the Mediterranean, i.e. Hermes and Aeneas, proved particularly controversial from the standpoint of international law, particularly regarding how border operations are conducted and managed. Irregular migration by sea is a massive phenomenon that is not destined to stop any soon.

Therefore, innovative strategies must be urgently implemented to deal with the two sensitive and interrelated aspects, which are ensuring border control on the one hand and the saving of migrants’ lives at sea on the other.

MARSAFENET, a network of experts on the legal aspects of maritime safety and security, and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Migrants’ Rights in the Mediterranean intend to engage in dialogue and exchange with public and private stakeholders. Therefore, your point of view on important and pressing issues is essential in assessing feasible and suitable solutions tailored to irregular migration in the Mediterranean Sea. The findings of the questionnaire will – on a strictly anonymous basis only – flow into the elaboration of The Charter of Naples: The Way Forward to Deal with Migration in the Mediterranean Sea. This Charter will provide analytical support to decision makers acting at the EU and national levels with respect to both border control and the protection and saving of migrants’ lives at sea.

To fill in the Stakeholder Questionnaire on Migration in the Mediterranean Sea: A Comprehensive Approach, if you are

  • a PUBLIC ENTITY (e.g., national or EU decision maker, navy, enforcement authority), please click here.
  • an INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION, please click here.
  • a member of CIVIL SOCIETY (e.g., a private association or a NGO, etc.), please click here.
  • a PRIVATE ENTITY (e.g., a shipping company or a maritime law firm, etc.), please click here.